Re-open NH - Nov 2019
Re-open NH -Brentwood newsletter Nov 2020:
Now that we understand who is vulnerable to COVID and people can make choices for themselves, Governor Sununu needs someone to work with him to open up NH safely. He does not need someone who wants to put more restrictions on citizens.
Governor Sununu needs someone to work with him to find ways to address the current budget shortfalls WITHOUT tax increases, at a time when so many people and small businesses are struggling to get back on their feet after lockdowns. He does not need someone who wants to pass new taxes, which he will veto every time.
Governor Sununu needs someone who will work to protect the 2nd Amendment rights of the people of New Hampshire. He does not need someone who wants to pile on regulations because he or she is ignorant of the intent of “well-regulated militia”. It does not mean one with a lot of regulations, but rather refers to one well-organized, well-armed, and well-disciplined.
I have been happy to be able to work with Governor Sununu over the last two years protecting the New Hampshire Advantage from the constant efforts to turn New Hampshire into Massachusetts and California.
These are just a few of the reasons why I am the best person to work with Governor Sununu in the next session. I need your vote on November 3rd to continue representing District 33.
If you would like to learn more about my positions, please check out my website at
Hon Rep Josh Yokela
Brentwood, Danville, and Fremont