July 2024 BNL

As the legislative year draws to a close, with the exception of veto day, I reflect on the developments that marked its conclusion. There were notable shifts in attendance and unexpected bipartisan actions that influenced the fate of several bills. Regrettably, due to budgetary constraints, the Senate opted to defer further consideration of my Right to Know initiative (HB1708, now HB1696), despite its initial unanimous approval. Conversely, I am pleased to report that my proposal concerning medical waivers for car window tinting (HB370) was successfully enacted into law following persuasive testimony from the DMV, highlighting the public demand for this adjustment.

Looking ahead, while I had hoped to seek reelection to continue representing Brentwood, Danville, and Fremont, recent developments have compelled me to reconsider. Postponing a minor surgery until after the legislative session has necessitated a more measured approach to the upcoming campaign season. Consequently, I have redirected my efforts to seek the Fremont Only seat, confident in my ability to secure victory in a more manageable electoral district.

In my absence, I am grateful to Representative Scott Wallace for stepping forward to represent our shared district. Representative Wallace's exemplary dedication as Vice Chair of Judiciary, Clerk of the Special Committee on Housing, and involvement in overseeing the county complex project in Brentwood underscores his commitment to our community and effective governance. His steadfast record of high grades from both the House Republican Alliance and New Hampshire Liberty Alliance, alongside commendable attendance during critical legislative sessions, reinforces his suitability to serve during this pivotal time.

While uncertain about the future, I remain open to the possibility of seeking your support again. I encourage you to continue engaging with me on issues of importance and to share your thoughts and ideas as we navigate the months ahead and prepare for the next legislative session in Concord.

Thank you for your ongoing trust and support.

Hon. Representative Josh Yokela

Representing Brentwood, Danville, and Fremont