Regulation LTE
Letter to the Editor September 2018:
My name is Josh Yokela and I am a candidate for State Representative for the District 33 which includes Danville, Brentwood, and Fremont.
I grew up in California, but soon realized that excessive government rules and regulations were hindering my chance to succeed in life. I moved to New Hampshire three years ago because I felt the spirit of freedom and limited government throughout New Hampshire’s history is still alive today and is much more compatible with my beliefs.
An example of this took place recently when I attended a Selectmen’s meeting along with many other concerned town residents. A vague, far reaching, and ill conceived noise ordinance was about to be enacted without ever going before the voters. The vocal opposition to over-regulation was instrumental in the Selectmen’s decision to table the idea entirely.
In 2016 I was appointed to the alternate position in the Fremont Zoning Board of Adjustments and elected to the Fremont Budget Committee in 2017, which gave experience and training which will be invaluable in the State House. In March, I proposed a petition warrant article which reduced regulation in the Fremont Zoning Ordinances and the change was supported by the voters.
These types of victories over excessive rules and regulations will be the basis of my service as your State Representative. I will dedicate myself to preserving and maintaining your freedom, but first I need your vote on November 6th.
Josh Yokela
Candidate for Rockingham District 33